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Gnathology and Occlusion, from Analysis of Occlusal Forces to Dysfunctions

Description :

Plan your treatment with a detailed understanding of occlusal analysis and its relation to TMJ biomechanics, led by Dr. Maurizio Giacomello, a professor of gnathology from Italy!

Unlock a new approach to restorative and functional treatment with the key concepts of gnathology, allowing you to provide patients with long-lasting treatments!

During this course, you will learn in detail about:

– The cranio-mandibular relationship
– Functional anatomy of the stomatognathic system
– Functional and digital occlusal analysis
– Protocols of treatment planning based on the key concepts of gnathology
– Protocols of TMD diagnosis
– Protocols of TMD treatment and splint therapy. 

Gnathology is important in all branches of dentistry as it reflects the anatomy, physiology, and even pathology of the TMJ in relation to occlusion and restorative dental procedures.

Start treating your patients based on the key concepts of gnathology now!

Course Content:

1.Basic Concepts of Gnathology and Physiological Occlsuion
2.Basic Concepts of Dental Occlusion
3.Functional Anatomy of the Stomatognathic System TMJ and Masticatory Muscles
4.Analysis of Occlsuion as Part of the Stomatognathic System
5.Occlusal Forces and Cranial Mandibular Architectur
6.Acute TMD Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
7.Overview of Treatment Options for Chronic TMJ Pathologies
8.Treatment Protocols of Chronic TMJ Pathologies

Lecturer :

Dr. Maurizio Giacomello

Doctor in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics in 1995 and in Medicine and Surgery in 2000, Research Doctor (PhD) in Experimental Periodontology and specialized in orthodontics. He is Adjunct Professor of Gnathology in the degree course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (Director Prof. M. Baldoni) at the University of Milan-Bicocca as well as professor of Special Anatomy and Functional Anatomy of the Stomatognathic Apparatus. He deals with oral surgery, implantology, orthodontics, gnathology and posturology. National secretary of the scientific society ANTHEC (Academy of Non-Transfusional Hemocomponents) 


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Gnathology and Occlusion, from Analysis of Occlusal Forces to Dysfunctions

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